Friday, June 24, 2011

Biking, heat, and muscle mass?

Hey everyone!

So I'm trying to get better about blogging and what not. I keep thinking that there is nothing going on here that you all would wanna hear about, but then I remember that this is all about what I want to talk about! So here goes...

Getting around in Japan, I don't have a car. I tend to ride my bike, or take a train to places I want to go. Occasionally I walk, but most of the time I just bike. Now, I really enjoy biking, but it has gotten to be hard work, for two reasons.

Reason number 1. It is windy here. And I don't mean gentle sea breezes, I mean WINDY. As in gusts of wind that literally move people. It is extremely difficult to bike, when the wind is attempting to push you into the road. Also, the wind tends to blow against me as I bike, and so I put immense efforts into biking, to move about two feet. It's a hard life.

Reason number 2. It's the rainy season here. And that means that even when it isn't raining, it's humid. In the sense that I feel like the rain drops tried to fall, but got too lazy, and are now just sitting in the air waiting to splash on little unsuspecting me. It's gotten to the point that I constantly feel damp. Just all the time. Even when there is no reason for me to be damp, like I haven't gone outside. I just feel gross. I think my skin is molding.

But don't worry! Biking has been good for me too! I have begun to tan, (only on my arms) and I feel a lot healthier. Speaking of feeling healthier, I have a story for you...... (It's not too long)

As you may (or may not) know, my room is on the top floor. There is no air conditioning, and it gets really hot during the day. I have a fan, but it still feels boiling. One day, I was laying in my bed cooking alive, and I had the brilliant idea that if I raised my legs, I might become a bit cooler. (authors note, it didn't work) As I was doing this, I was looking at my legs, and I thought "My legs look funny... maybe I should poke them... yeah, that's a good idea..." So I did. And I found that my thighs are like rocks. No joke. I was amazed, and I do admit, my first reaction was that they weren't mine. But biking has been good to my thighs, and I am impressed with myself, because as you all probably know, I avoid exercise like the plague.

Well, I will try really hard to update more, with funny posts about my Japanese class, my Canadian friend, and the general hilarity of living in Japan.

じゃ、また こんど!

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