Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Whats this?! Another blog post?! I know what you're thinking, but don't get excited... I'm not about to become some blogging goddess who blogs all the time... Sorry.

This blog is about my "job". I help out at an English preschool, and I love it. I've done a few posts about it before, but I feel like this week was special. A little background, I usually only work Thursday afternoons(with the first graders), and when needed. This week I worked Monday and Tuesday, (it's Wednesday here) and I already have some great stories.

Monday morning, I went in to Bunchkins from 12-2. I was working with the preschoolers, ages 3-5. There are 6 kids, 3 boys and 3 girls. They are all great, and have learned so much. One of the little girls, Lala (3yrs), is a total sweetheart. She and I connected when I was working last time, and she is still one of my favorites. She likes spending time with me, usually around craft time.

Somebody decided it would be a great idea to give the kids origami paper, pastel-like crayons, and tape. Needless to say, they love it. Lala spent about 10 minutes coloring a dark green piece of paper light green. She then ripped her artwork in half, and taped it back together. The entire time, she was laughing, and just generally having a great time. Afterwards, she showed it to me, and I studied it like it was the Mona Lisa... We can expect great things from this girl.

Tuesday, I went to Bunchkins at 2, to teach a class at 3. Overall the class went well, but it got off to a bit of a rocky start. This was a kindergarten class, so the kids were all around 5 years old, except one little boy, who was 3. The kids start to show up, and all is well. But then... Kazuki came... Kazuki is a 5 year old boy, who really doesn't like change.

The woman who usually teaches this class had let me know that Kazuki might have a problem with me. She had also called his mom to let her know... Unfortunately Kazuki was not having it. He had a major meltdown. He sobbed for twenty minutes straight, and would not have anything to do with me. The other kids tried to get him to come play with them, but he would not leave his mom. Finally realizing he wasn't going to calm down, she took him home.

Obviously after those two stories, what I am going to tell you next will not be a surprise at all. When I come back to America, I am going to start studying to be a teacher. And not just any teacher. A preschool teacher. Hopefully I will be able to teach English to preschoolers internationally, preferably in Japan. I am studying Japanese very hard, and I'll be sure to tell you the funny stories from that.


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